Eva's Story
Celebrating the element of water is my creative passion. It began at Te Waikoropupū Springs in New Zealand, a spiritually significant place for the Māori.
I was fascinated by the clarity and purity. At the same time, I was gripped by the beauty of the environment reflected on the surface, leaving its messages on and in the water. Since then, I have been conducting a dialogue with water and photographing it – and I am always fascinated anew. It carries something in itself, that is both invisible and visible – and I have the feeling: it shows me the very essence – of itself and of its surroundings.
The essence or even the being of water! That is what attracts me and pulls me in and what I would like to bring closer to the viewer. My invitation: open yourself to the essence of water. Let my pictures speak to you. Enter into visual dialogue with this precious element.
Get in Touch
Eva Prietz is based in Berlin, Germany, and happy to hearing from you: +49.172.3241439